This is Laphria cinerea. For awhile it was known as the 'mystery fly' because it was elusive. I had seen it once in the Ouachita Mts. in Perry county and once on Petit Jean. Both times in the spring. Both times they landed on me. They like downed pine areas. There were Laphria saffrana seen in the same habitats both times. And later now in Petit Jean, L. affinus, all pine lovers. Fast fliers, these cinerea are felt to be uncommon by Dr. Fisher. I think it is because they are short seasoned, early and elusive myself. We have them in six counties now.

This shot is a newer shot from a large hatch I found on April 10th 2009 in Ouachita county where they were also in downed pines of mostly small trunk sizes. Very active. Mainly males but a few females out at that time. Impressive size variance in the males. Flying from about 1 PM to 5 PM.

Distinctive for the mostly white and black coloration. Though apparently in the northeast they are more yellowed. Also note the white tufts on the legs giving it a banded look.

Also from Ouachita county. A kill of one of the red ichneumons that seemed to be ovipositing on the pines in the same area. This Laphria like many other species in this genus seems to favor small prey. I saw them pass up damselflies on this day.

This is Norm's original shot from the Petit Jean hatches. It was tough to get close to any of those.