The in-your-face Sayaca Tanager, which for medium sized tanagers can make their own space pretty well against the crowd. Sayacas are fairly plain blue gray, though not as blue as the Blue-gray Tanager, which does not appear at Luck's but can be seen on the Ecuador cam 2. Compare with Azure-shouldered Tanagers which are both Thraupis tanagers. The Azure has an accented brow line which gives it a thoughtful or scowling look. Sayacas are 'open-faced'. The boldest Azures have a very bright blue forward wing angle as well. Sayacas are far more common at Luck's tray and can be seen every day. Marcia Braga's shot.

The Sayaca with the anomalous upper mandible overgrowth known as Cyrano de Sayacarac. Watch for him. Also Marcia's shot.